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Building Relationships and Value Through Community

Our Story

National’s mission is to create lasting value through projects that produce solid, long-term returns for our clients while improving the communities in which we invest and develop.

Since 2000, National’s investment team has been constructing investment portfolios of diverse property assets — primarily multifamily, data centers, office, healthcare, and medical buildings.1 National manages separate accounts and multiple commingled investment vehicles. National seeks to create value for investors by adhering to a rigorous investment process and development principles guided by profits, integrity, community, and collaboration.

Important Disclosures Found Below. 

National at a Glance

Total Projects Since 2000
16 M SF
Operating Portfolio Size
$8.5 B
Gross Asset Value2
$4.0 B
Net Asset Value2
$5.4 B
Construction Projects in Pipeline3

Parent Company & Subsidiary

National is an independently operated subsidiary of the National Electrical Benefit Fund.
National’s development subsidiary with its headquarters in Philadelphia, PA.

Our History

  • 2000
    Multi-billion-dollar pension fund, NEBF forms an investment team to invest in real estate projects
  • 2010
    National Real Estate Advisors, LLC is established as a subsidiary to manage real estate investments for pension funds and other institutional investors
  • 2010
    National establishes an open-ended fund vehicle
  • 2013
    National launches National Real Estate Development, LLC
  • 2021
    National establishes a data center platform, providing exposure to the data center portfolio, Sabey Data Center Properties, LLC
  • 2024
    National grows to $8.5 B gross / $4.0 B net 2